Go was originally conceived as a string quartet that premiered in 2014 by The Chamber Music Festival of Lexington. Following the premiere of the quartet, it became apparent that the work was destined to be set to larger forces. I knew the piece could function as great concert opener, and so I decided to wait until the right opportunity presented itself where I could rework the piece and arrange it for orchestra. Originally inspired by the Kentucky blue landscape and world-renowned horse race tracks and farms, Go is a high energy, groove-oriented work. The piece begins as if each member of the string section is at the starting line of a race. Using glissando techniques to create a revving effect, the movement opens with a series of roaring engines that increase in intensity before locking into a groove that becomes the foundation of the piece. Several different grooves and rhythmic patterns develop as the orchestra continues to round the track. The piece ultimately ends with a “sprint to the finish.”
Go is dedicated to Natalia Staneva and Sasha Gurevich
Adam Schoenberg
February 10, 2016